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‘Tis the season of giving, but why do I find it so hard?

Picture of Dr. Timothy Yen
Dr. Timothy Yen

Dr. Timothy Yen is a licensed psychologist who has been living and working in the East Bay since 2014. He earned his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Azusa Pacific University, with a focus on Family Psychology and consultation. He has a private practice associated with the Eastside Christian Counseling Center in Dublin, CA. For 6.5 years, he worked at Kaiser Permanente, supervising postdoctoral residents and psychological associates since 2016. His journey began with over 8 years in the U.S. Army as a mental health specialist. He enjoys supportive people, superheroes, nature, aquariums, and volleyball.

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Have you ever heard, it is more blessed to give than to receive? Why do some people find giving easy and others not so much?

The idea that it is better to give than to receive is quite counterintuitive. After all, most of us love to receive gifts and other good things!

The concept of giving reminds me of this story/joke that I heard as a kid. The story went something like this: There were two men who got hit by a car and died before their time. They ascended to heaven and stood before St. Peter at heaven’s gates. St. Peter says “Hmm… since it seems like you came to the afterlife way before your time, I will need to send you back to earth.” He then made a stipulation. St. Peter proposed “You get to choose in your next life whether you want to be a giver or a receiver.” The first man who was quite stingy and greedy in the former life said “That’s easy! I want to be the man who always receives things!” The second man came from humble roots and was quite generous. He shrugged and said “I suppose I’ll take the other proposition and be the giver.” Both of them get sent back to earth. A few years go by and the second man returned as a rich and successful businessman. He saw a beggar on the street and gave him some money only to realize that it was the first man who only wanted to receive.

The premise is quite logical. You can only give what you have. If you don’t have anything, how can you give it away? The reason why giving is challenging for people is for a few reasons:

1.    They think they don’t have enough. If they give what they have, then there will be less for them and it won’t be enough.

2.    They actually believe they own or are entitled to what they have. The mindset is that what they have is built on the principle that it is only for them to enjoy. It’s a lot easier to give something away that is not yours! Likewise, when we have the perspective that we are simply stewarding or taking care of what we have, then we are able to let go of our things to bless other people.

3.    There is a deeper belief that they are not enough. The act of giving is actually an extension or overflow of who we are. When we believe that we are worthy, we have the security to give to others knowing that we have what it takes to create more.

During this holiday season, I challenge you to try something new and give. For those of us who are more used to giving, let’s see if we can give with a cheerful heart, and for those who already give cheerfully, try giving extravagantly. This month, we’ll explore together on a deeper level why giving helps us mentally and how it can create more space in our lives to create the abundant life we want and deserve!

If you have any comments or questions, we’d love to hear from you! You can message us on the comment section below.

Merry Christmas and Happy

Have you ever heard, it is more blessed to give than to receive? Why do some people find giving easy and others not so much?