From Resistance to Results.

Pivot your organization.

About us

After years of partnering with leading
organizations, we’ve learned that ego
hinders team and company growth.

After years of partnering with leading organizations, we’ve learned that ego hinders team and company growth.

We provide the tools and insights you need to pivot your organization.

The Pivot Experience

Is it possible to transform your team in 48 hours? Our data suggests it is.

According to our lead scientist Dr. Roberto Midence, we have compiled data that proves our seminars are able to pivot your organization immediately. If you feel you’ve exhausted methods for dealing with reluctance and apathy on your team, contact us. Our team is ready to implement the 4 I’s of Pivoting your Organization.

A healthy culture honours both people and results. A healthy culture enables organizations to thrive, not at the expense of people, but through individuals that are healthy and engaged.

At Pivot, we believe in relationships that are strong that have high trust and create a powerful sense of purpose.

Key Pivoting challenges:

How can reluctance, apathy and complacency be cured?

How can leaders understand where their team’s issues are coming from?

How can engagement and a sense of belonging be nurtured in a workforce, digitally or presentially?

Contact us to create your dream team
that honors both people and results.

Contact us to create your dream team that honors both people and results.

The 4 “I’s” of Pivoting your Organization

01 Increasing

Team Emotional Intelligence

02 Infusing

Organizational Values

03 Integrating

Solutions to Challenges

04 Instill

Courage to Execute

So, is the Pivot Experience
a good fit for you?

Let the data do the talking

0 %

of attendees would recommend
the coursework to friends or colleagues

0 %

of attendees asked for
one-on-one follow-ups

Advancement for everyone

Our team has worked with individuals and teams of almost any age, life stage, and profession

We coach leaders
to discover their purpose

Team members increased their understanding
of their life purpose after working with us.

We coach leaders
to discover their purpose

Team members increased their understanding of their life purpose after working with us.

Personal and professional

80% of our attendees find mental clarity

Market leaders forge
clarity for the next 5 years

Attendees have a step by step plan
to execute their goals

Market leaders forge
clarity for the next 5 years

Attendees have a step by step plan to execute their goals

Consulting Services

Consulting seminar Package

Squad Consulting
(Up to 6 team members)

In-Person Workshops /
2-3 Hour Sessions

Virtual Workshops /
2-3 Hours Sessions

Relationship Getaway
Couples Retreat

Relationship Getaway

Online “Choose Better”
Self-Help Package

Why Choose us?

Sustainable Cognitive Transformation

Our modules, which are designed to facilitate in-person or virtual transformation, generate emotional experiences that easily rewire neuronal connections for sustainable, rich, and memorable learning.

Collective & Holistic Processes

Our consultants and trainers have the expertise and experience to invoke human connection that transcends logical and emotional barriers. By leveraging their deepest desires, we help our attendees make the leap from where they are to where they want to be. We value tailored hospitality and go the distance to provide a premium experience.

Trained & Experienced

We take time to research and collect data from our clients before we customize our solutions. We incorporate the clients’ expertise and integrate our methods to create desirable and profitable outcomes.

Our Team

Robert Midence, PhD



“I love how the speakers interacted with the students by asking questions, playing games and doing various activities. The courses are super informative and fun, it was easy to stay focused”


“Understanding brings healing, infusing life aligned with my values”


“The Pivot Experience brought clarity, revealing where my problems were”

Some of our clients