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10 Common Issues Couples Therapy Can Solve

Picture of Dr. Timothy Yen
Dr. Timothy Yen

Dr. Timothy Yen is a licensed psychologist who has been living and working in the East Bay since 2014. He earned his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Azusa Pacific University, with a focus on Family Psychology and consultation. He has a private practice associated with the Eastside Christian Counseling Center in Dublin, CA. For 6.5 years, he worked at Kaiser Permanente, supervising postdoctoral residents and psychological associates since 2016. His journey began with over 8 years in the U.S. Army as a mental health specialist. He enjoys supportive people, superheroes, nature, aquariums, and volleyball.

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Couples therapy is a powerful tool that can help couples navigate through a wide range of challenges in their relationship. With the help of a trained therapist, partners can improve their communication, strengthen their bond, and resolve conflicts more effectively. Below are 10 common issues that couples therapy can help address, explained in detail:

1. Communication Problems

Communication is at the heart of every successful relationship, but it’s also one of the most common areas where couples struggle. Misunderstandings, lack of openness, and ineffective communication styles can create tension and distance in a relationship. Couples therapy helps partners learn how to communicate effectively, listen actively, and constructively express their thoughts and feelings.

Signs Of Communication Problems:

  • Frequent misunderstandings
  • Feeling unheard or dismissed
  • Avoidance of certain conversations or topics
  • Over-reliance on non-verbal cues like eye rolls or silent treatment


How Therapy Helps:

A therapist can guide couples to develop better communication habits by teaching skills like reflective listening, assertive expression, and emotion regulation. This often leads to a deeper understanding of each other’s needs and perspectives, fostering empathy and connection.

2. Trust Issues

Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. When trust is broken, whether due to infidelity, dishonesty, or past experiences, it can be incredibly difficult to rebuild. Trust issues can lead to jealousy, insecurity, and constant suspicion, all of which can erode the relationship over time.

Causes Of Trust Issues:

  • Infidelity or cheating
  • Dishonesty about significant or small matters
  • Broken promises or unfulfilled commitments
  • Trauma from past relationships or childhood experiences


How Therapy Helps:

Couples therapy offers a safe space to explore the root causes of trust issues. The therapist can help both partners acknowledge the pain and work toward rebuilding trust through transparency, accountability, and patience. It may involve exercises like setting boundaries, re-establishing emotional intimacy, and taking small steps toward rebuilding confidence in the relationship.

3. Infidelity And Betrayal

Infidelity is one of the most painful challenges a couple can face, and it often leads to intense feelings of betrayal, anger, and sadness. While some relationships do not survive infidelity, many can with the right intervention. Couples therapy provides a structured and supportive environment to navigate the fallout of cheating and explore whether reconciliation is possible.

Types Of infidelity:

  • Physical infidelity (sexual involvement with someone else)
  • Emotional infidelity (developing a close, intimate connection with someone else)
  • Online or cyber infidelity (engaging in romantic or sexual conversations online)


How Therapy Helps:

Therapy encourages open discussions about the underlying causes of the betrayal and the emotional impact on both partners. Therapists may help couples establish clear boundaries moving forward, identify unmet needs that led to the infidelity, and promote forgiveness and healing. This process requires commitment from both partners to rebuild the relationship and work through the lingering pain.

4. Financial Conflicts

Money is a major source of tension in many relationships, and financial disagreements can stem from different values, spending habits, or financial priorities. One partner might be a spender while the other is a saver, or they may disagree about how to manage joint finances. Financial stress can also be compounded by external factors such as debt, unemployment, or unexpected expenses.

Common Financial Conflicts:

  • Disagreements over spending and saving
  • Unequal contributions to household finances
  • Hidden debts or secret spending
  • Conflicts over financial goals (e.g., home ownership, travel, retirement)


How Therapy Helps:

Couples therapy helps partners develop a collaborative approach to finances. A therapist can help facilitate discussions around budgeting, financial planning, and compromise. This may also involve addressing deeper emotional issues related to money, such as feelings of power, control, or fear around financial security. Therapy helps couples recognize that money issues are often symbolic of other relational dynamics.

5. Intimacy And Sexual Issues

Sexual dissatisfaction or lack of intimacy can strain a relationship, leading to frustration, resentment, or emotional distance. These issues might arise due to a mismatch in sexual desire, changes in physical health, psychological factors, or past traumas. Many couples struggle to discuss their sexual needs and preferences openly, leading to unmet expectations and feelings of rejection.

Common Intimacy Issues:

  • Differences in libido (sexual drive)
  • Emotional disconnection leading to reduced physical affection
  • Sexual dysfunction or pain during intercourse
  • Unresolved sexual trauma or anxiety


How Therapy Helps:

Therapists can create a safe environment for couples to explore their sexual concerns without judgment. By addressing emotional, psychological, or physical factors that may be contributing to sexual dissatisfaction, couples can rediscover intimacy. Therapists may also help couples practice techniques to improve physical connection and emotional closeness, enhancing both sexual and non-sexual intimacy.

6. Parenting Disagreements

Raising children is one of the most rewarding yet challenging aspects of a relationship. Parenting often brings to the surface differences in values, discipline styles, and long-term goals for children. These disagreements can create conflict not only between parents but also affect the overall family dynamic, impacting the children.

Common Parenting Disagreements:

  • Differences in discipline methods (e.g., strict vs. lenient)
  • Disagreement about parental roles and responsibilities
  • Conflicting ideas about education or extracurricular activities
  • Struggles with balancing parenting and couple time


How Therapy Helps:

Couples therapy can help partners navigate their differing views on parenting by encouraging compromise and collaboration. Therapists can help parents explore their upbringings and how that influences their parenting styles. By creating a shared parenting vision, couples can work together as a team, ensuring that the relationship between partners remains strong while prioritizing the well-being of their children.

7. Life Transitions

Major life changes, such as moving to a new city, starting a new job, having children, or going through retirement, can put stress on a relationship. These transitions often require adjustments in roles, expectations, and daily routines, which can lead to feelings of uncertainty or anxiety. If couples don’t communicate effectively during these transitions, it can create disconnection and misunderstanding.

Common Life Transitions That Impact Relationships:

  • Becoming parents or having another child
  • Relocating to a new area
  • Career changes or job loss
  • Retirement or empty-nesting


How Therapy Helps:

Couples therapy provides a platform to discuss and prepare for life transitions. Therapists can help partners express their concerns, fears, and expectations while developing strategies to navigate the changes as a team. Therapy can also provide coping mechanisms for managing stress, helping couples stay connected during challenging periods of change.

8. Conflict Resolution Skills

All couples have conflicts, but the way they handle these conflicts determines the health of the relationship. Some couples resort to unhealthy conflict resolution methods such as yelling, blaming, or stonewalling. Over time, these patterns of behavior can damage trust and intimacy. Learning how to resolve conflicts constructively is essential for long-term relationship success.

Signs Of Poor Conflict Resolution:

  • Escalating arguments that lead to personal attacks
  • Refusing to address conflicts (“stonewalling”)
  • One partner always conceding to avoid conflict
  • Inability to reach a compromise


How Therapy Helps:

A therapist can teach couples healthier conflict resolution strategies, such as de-escalating heated arguments, using “I” statements instead of blame, and finding win-win solutions. Couples therapy also helps partners recognize when their emotional responses are tied to past experiences or unresolved pain, allowing them to approach conflict with empathy and patience.

9. Emotional Distance

Over time, couples may find that they’ve grown apart emotionally. The stresses of daily life, work, and family responsibilities can leave little time for emotional intimacy, leading to feelings of loneliness and detachment. Emotional distance often manifests in a lack of communication, affection, or shared activities, and it can gradually weaken the bond between partners.

Causes Of Emotional Distance:

  • Busy schedules and lack of quality time together
  • Unresolved past conflicts that create emotional barriers
  • Lack of emotional vulnerability or fear of rejection
  • One or both partners feeling unappreciated or ignored


How Therapy Helps:

Couples therapy encourages partners to reconnect emotionally by addressing the root causes of emotional distance. Therapists may introduce exercises that promote emotional vulnerability, such as sharing positive memories, expressing gratitude, or engaging in activities that foster closeness. Therapy can also help couples identify negative cycles in their relationship and replace them with positive interactions.

10. Power Imbalances

Power dynamics can often become imbalanced in relationships, leading to feelings of resentment, frustration, or inequality. Power imbalances can arise in various areas, such as decision-making, finances, household responsibilities, or emotional support. When one partner feels dominated or underappreciated, it can create tension and erode trust.

Examples Of Power Imbalances:

  • One partner consistently makes important decisions without consulting the other
  • Unequal division of household or childcare responsibilities
  • Financial control (e.g., one partner controlling the budget or expenses)
  • One partner’s emotional needs are consistently prioritized over the other’s


How Therapy Helps:

Therapists help couples explore how power dynamics are affecting their relationship and work to restore balance. Through open discussions, partners can address any underlying resentment or feelings of inequality. Therapy fosters a sense of fairness by encouraging compromise, shared decision-making, and mutual respect, ensuring that both partners feel valued and heard.


Couples therapy can be an invaluable tool in addressing a wide range of relationship challenges. Whether the issue is communication, trust, intimacy, or navigating life transitions, therapy provides a safe space for partners to work through their problems with the guidance of a trained professional. By learning new skills, deepening emotional intimacy, and resolving conflicts constructively, couples can strengthen their bond and build a healthier, more fulfilling relationship.

Unlock Your Relationship Success With Couples Therapy At Pivot Counseling

Are you struggling to navigate challenges in your relationship and looking for effective ways to strengthen your connection? You’re not alone, and we’re here to help! At Pivot Counseling, our team of compassionate and knowledgeable professionals is dedicated to supporting you through personalized couples therapy, ensuring you find the right approach to enhance your relationship and improve your quality of life together.

Whether you’re seeking to improve communication, manage conflicts, or navigate daily challenges more effectively, we offer an evidence-based approach tailored to your specific relationship needs. Imagine experiencing greater understanding, emotional balance, and a deeper connection with your partner. Our experts are committed to guiding you through this transformative journey, providing the tools and strategies needed for long-term success.

Why wait to take control of your relationship? Contact us today to schedule a couples therapy session at Pivot Counseling and explore the options that best suit your needs. Let us help you achieve greater emotional well-being, stronger communication, and a happier future together. Your brighter relationship starts today!


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