Frequent Asked Questions

What is the difference between coaching, counseling, and consulting?

At Pivot, we are proud to offer comprehensive support through all 3 of our services. The key differences lie in the target audience and the purpose of each: Coaching is the ideal solution for individuals seeking personal and professional growth, empowering the exploration of new opportunities. If you’re ready to take your life to the next level, a coach can provide you with the guidance and support you need to succeed. With a focus on helping clients gain clarity and direction, coaching explores the underlying purpose behind your goals and equips you with practical strategies to achieve them. Whether you’re looking to improve your relationships, advance your career, or simply discover a deeper sense of fulfillment, coaching can help you achieve your objectives and reach your full potential. Counseling provides support for individuals facing significant difficulties in their lives that they are unable to resolve on their own. Many clients struggle with distressing thoughts and emotions that impede their ability to live life to the fullest. The goal of counseling is to alleviate suffering by addressing the underlying causes and equipping clients with tools and strategies to meet their essential needs in a healthy and fulfilling manner. Whether you’re struggling with relationship issues, personal traumas, or simply feeling lost and overwhelmed, counseling can help you gain the clarity and perspective you need to overcome your challenges and live your best life. Consulting offers support for individuals, teams, and organizations looking to encourage a healthy and thriving culture. Whether through coaching, team-building activities, or informative seminars, consulting provides essential insights and transformative experiences that foster cohesion and enhance overall performance. Whether you’re seeking to improve your leadership skills, build more effective teams, or drive organizational success, consulting can help you achieve your goals and create a culture of excellence.

Can I change through coaching?
What about confidentiality?
How often would I meet my coach?
Where would I meet with my coach?
How long does the coaching process take?
What if I want to end my coaching engagement?
How is coaching different from psychotherapy?
What is Pivot’s approach to coaching?
What is the Pivot process like?
What is the coaching style that Pivot coaches would employ in our work together?
Can you talk about the coaching methodologies applied by Pivot coaches?